Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome to Movies and Stories!

Welcome to my blog, Jim's Movies and Stories.  Bit of a strange title isn't it?  I'll be talking a lot about films, television shows as well as fiction novels.  Sometimes maybe about certain actors, writers, directors or writers.  I won't necessarily be reviewing or critically analyzing them.  I'll really just be giving my general views on them.  My thoughts, my ideas, my opinions.  Sometimes they might just be long rants.  I have some interesting thoughts, so bear with me.  I like connecting people's actions to the way they think psychologically and how life experiences affect the way people think psychologically.  So I'll be looking at a lot of these types of things in reference to fictional characters.  I love deep character development in fiction.  So if you're into that kind of stuff, check me out.  I also might post some stories that I'm in the process of writing myself, which may or may not meld together to create a novel.  A lot of what I'm writing has a lot to do with what I've talked about above; very psychological but at the same time relatable on a ground level.  I'll leave it there for now.  In the next post I'll talk a little bit about what some of my favourite works of fiction are.  

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