Friday, May 25, 2012

My Thoughts on Mulholland Drive (2001)- David Lynch: Part 2

*Minor Spoilers- Check out the movie before reading this.*

So in a previous post I talked about how Mulholland Drive came to become one of my favourite movies; a little bit about my history with the film.  In this post I'll talk in more depth about my thoughts on the film itself.  Where do I begin with this film?  The dream-like effect of the film is completely unrivaled.  Lynch knows exactly how to make us feel like we are watching a dream, which is something that i find absolutely fascinating.  I have always been really fascinated by dreams and what they mean and tell us about our lives.  I'll start by talking about one of my favourite scenes in the film, as well as one of my favoutite movie scenes ever: The Winky's Diner scene.  Dan describes his dream to Herb across a booth.  Just everything in this scene is so beautiful.  The way the camera seems to be floating.  The way that Dan describes the dream, it's just impossible to look away.  Just a wonderful scene.

Mulholland Drive also has a lot of humour in it.  Another great scene in the film is where Justin Theroux's character goes up to the producer's building and they're trying to force him to choose the an actress he doesn't want for a main character in his new film.  All the little subtleties in this scene are just laugh-out-loud hilarious.  Obviously the key aspect is Angelo Badalamenti's character's intense desire for an amazing cup of espresso.  It's just so ridiculous.  And all the little close-ups on characters' eye movements and things of that nature just make the scene brilliant.  And of course Dan Hedaya from A Night at the Roxbury

Justin Theroux gazing back at Naomi Watts.
MD's also got a great cast of characters.  I've always been a big fan of Naomi Watts.  Love her in King Kong as well.  She plays Betty perfectly.  At the beginning of course, all positive and looking forward to becoming a famous actress in Hollywood.  Laura Elena Harring is also awesome.  Ah, another scene is coming to mind which is fabulous.  There are just so many amazing scenes in the film, it's ridiculous.  I guess that's why it's my favourite movie.  The scene where Betty shows off her acting chops with Jimmy Katz.  That scene is so mesmerizing it's unbelievable.  Then right after that scene comes another amazing scene: Justin Theroux trying to choose the girl for his movie, listening to the lip-sync recording sessions.  The songs that are played are so mesmerizing.  Then Theroux's intense gaze with Betty as she walks in to the session.  Just classic.  He clearly wants her for his movie but he can't.  And there's clearly something more going on there too. 

What else can I say?  If you have yet to see this movie, seriously check it out.  Be prepared to be confused, but also just completely enthralled from beginning to end.  10/10 from me.  Give me your thoughts.  Hope you enjoyed.  And check out some of those video clips for some great key scenes.  Don't worry, they don't really give too much of the movie away if you have yet to see it.

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