Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mulholland Drive (2001)- David Lynch :Part 1

Well I figured the first movie I would talk about a little bit is my most often number one favourite film, David Lynch's Mulholland Drive from 2001.  So much to say about this movie.  I first watched it in the summer of 2009.  I liked it a lot, but it wasn't close to being my favourite movie at the time.  I rated it an 8 out of 10.  I felt that I didn't understand it enough in order to really love it.  I looked on IMDB for the most popular interpretation of the events that transpired in the film.  Because trust me, if you see the movie you will understand that this is a movie that is pretty much impossible to interpret on your own, unless you watch it dozens of times.  But over the next few months, I kept thinking about it.  It really is the kind of movie that keeps you thinking about it.  So, for Christmas of that year, I asked for the DVD.  So I watched it again around Christmastime, really liked it a lot.  Still didn't absolutely love it though.  I think around then I raised my rating to a 9 out of 10.  Actually, my mistake, this was one of those rare times where I actually raised my rating without actually seeing it again.  It was during fall of 2009 when I raised my rating of the film, just from thinking about it.  Then, interestingly enough, I didn't watch the movie again until the next summer.  Incidentally, it was in between those times, in the Spring of 2010 when I became obsessed by my now second favourite film, The Shining.  But more on that later.

Now this is when I became obsessed.  I watched it around August 2010.  Then again in September.  And after that viewing I checked out this Mulholland Drive website devoted to uncovering all the mysteries of the movie, called  A very informative website.  Analyzes everything in the movie, and I mean everything.  Seriously check it out if you're a fan of the film.  Now the movie was a perfect 10/10 for movie and one of my favourites.  From then until about May 2011 I literally tried to watch Mulholland Dr once every month.  That's how obsessed I was with it.  Again, I'll talk about this more in my post about that film, but I was doing the same thing with The Shining at the time.  I didn't always get the chance to do this as I was working at the time and buying a lot of Blu-Rays that I was watching, but i did my best.  Funny enough, if I'm not mistaken, I actually haven't watched Mulholland Drive since last may at this point.  I may go into this more in another post, but there is something about when you love a movie or TV show so much that you can't watch it too much.  I don't know what it is exactly.  Hard to describe.  That's kind of what's happened with Mulholland Dr. 

Anyway, so that's my general history on Mulholland Dr.  In the next post I'll talk more about my thoughts on the actual film, the characters, the actors and such.  Until next time, hope you enjoyed.

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